
Leeke Magee基督教咨询中心 提供一系列的圣经, evidence-based counseling services by master's and doctoral students under the supervision of state-licensed supervisors. 咨询是负担得起的, 可访问的, and addresses the diverse mental health and relational counseling needs of individuals, 夫妻, 以及新奥尔良社区的家庭, 包括儿童, 青少年, 和长老.

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    新奥尔良,LA 70126

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    您可以打电话给我们或填写 这种形式 我们会给你打电话的.


我们的辅导员提供符合圣经的建议, evidenced based counseling services addressing the following areas: Relationship Struggles, 抑郁和焦虑, 婚前/婚姻咨询, 家庭冲突, 父母的支持, 孩子们 & 青少年, 悲伤与失落, 色情/性瘾, 创伤/滥用, 精神上的问题, 慢性疾病/痛苦, 离婚恢复/再婚家庭, 及身份问题.


我们的收费是浮动的,从35美元到85美元不等. 然而, 如果你仍然无法支付费用, you can work with your counselor to set a fee that you can afford. We also have a limited number of scholarships available if needed. 你可以在中心申请这些.






From time to time, we all experience difficult and stressful events. Counseling is a collaborative effort in which you will work with your counselor to navigate these difficult times and to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. People come to counseling for a variety of reasons including depression, 焦虑, 婚姻, 育儿, 解决过去的创伤, 还有性瘾. Competent Christian counseling with the truth of Scripture will facilitate healing and growth.


我们位于北京北京大学校园内. Our building is under the LifeSongs Radio Station and across Press Drive from Wal-Mart.


Local churches have the opportunity to partner with us in this ministry. If you have a church member who you believe could benefit from our services and is unable to pay, then we would ask you to prayerfully consider two possible options. The first option is for the church to agree to cover the cost of a certain number of sessions. Another option is for the church and the counselee to split the cost of counseling; for example, the counselee could pay half of his or her fee each week and the church would cover the other half.


  • 收养或寄养 - 互联儿童 作者:Karyn Purvis 领养时附上 黛博拉·格雷; Orphanology 托尼·梅里达 & 里克•莫顿 终身收养 罗素·摩尔
  • 焦虑 - 忧虑疗法 罗伯特·莱希著
  • 抑郁症 - 克服忧郁 莱斯利·沃尼克著; When Life Goes Dark: Finding Hope in the Midst of 抑郁症 作者:理查德·温特
  • 悲伤 - 神医治生命的损失 鲍勃·凯勒曼著 & 史蒂夫•Viars 经历着悲伤 诺曼·赖特
  • 婚姻 - 神圣的婚姻 作者:加里·托马斯 当你的配偶做错事时,如何做对 莱斯利·沃尼克著; 维持婚姻的7个原则 约翰·戈特曼; 孩子生了三个孩子 约翰·戈特曼著
  • - 情感健康 作者:Peter Scazzero 情感健康的教会 作者:Peter Scazzero 不要错过祝福 乔·安·利维尔著 & 朗达凯利
  • 育儿 - Screamfree育儿 哈尔·朗克尔; 如何培养高情商的孩子 约翰·戈特曼著
  • 的关系 - 如何避免爱上一个混蛋 约翰·范·埃普著
  • 性虐待 - 作者:Nicole Braddock Bromley 修补灵魂 史蒂文·特雷西
  • 性瘾 - 最终自由:用优雅的力量为纯洁而战 希斯·兰伯特 & 约书亚·哈里斯, 俘虏每一个思想 马克·雷泽著; 破碎的誓言:希望 & 治疗被性背叛的女性 黛布拉·拉瑟著
  • 灵性 - 神圣的阴谋 达拉斯·威拉德; 学科庆典 理查德·福斯特


LMCCC is a ministry of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The mission of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is to equip leaders to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandments through the local church and its ministries. Graduates from our counseling program can be found ministering in churches, on the mission field and in a variety of mental health professions, 为了成为周围世界的盐和光.


LMCCC提供一系列圣经, 可负担得起的基于证据的咨询服务, 可访问的, and address the diverse mental health relational counseling needs of individuals, 夫妻, 以及新奥尔良社区的家庭, 包括儿童, 青少年, 和长老.


LMCCC is a training facility for graduate-level student interns at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Students are provided supervised experience in the use of biblically sound models and are prepared to qualify for the licensure process as professional counselors.


在2013年春季会议期间, trustees created a new academic Division of Church and Community ministries for the counseling and social work programs. 2013年12月, the board approved the creation of a counseling center to serve as a resource for NOBTS students and people in the surrounding neighborhoods, as well as to provide NOBTS counseling students with a place to fulfill their counseling practicum hours.

Trustees followed these actions by officially naming the center and approving a timeline for its opening. Leeke Magee基督教咨询中心 bears the name of Leeke Magee, 他是路易斯安那浸信会和NOBTS的支持者,于2013年去世. 在他去世之前, 麦吉在他的遗产计划中命名了这所神学院, providing funds to transform the former William Carey University nursing building on the NOBTS campus into a counseling center and office space for counseling and social work professors. 该咨询中心于8月8日向公众开放. 在配备了咨询室和办公室之后.

"We deeply believe that Southern Baptists need to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to engage the communities around our churches,NOBTS主席查克·凯利说. "We have to find a way to start the conversation about Jesus with people who are not in our churches and we think a counseling program centered in Christ does that and we believe that community-based ministries, 再一次。, 以基督和教会为中心, 可以这么做."

The unique counseling program at NOBTS provides the educational background needed to achieve state licensure. Currently, NOBTS is the only SBC seminary offering a licensure track in counseling. And while many NOBTS counseling graduates serve as church-based counselors, others have sought employment in nonprofit organizations and private Christian counseling groups in order to reach those outside the church.

伊恩•琼斯, 教会及社区事工部主席, said all students in the program are committed to biblically-based ministry and are involved in taking the Gospel to hurting people.

"Christ challenged believers to be salt and light in the world 'so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven,’”琼斯说, 参考马太福音5:16. "The division of church and community ministries is committed to training students with the skill sets necessary to help churches connect with their communities through counseling and social ministries, building up the church and bringing the transforming power of the Gospel into the world."

"The new Leeke Magee基督教咨询中心 will be a significant part of this ministry,琼斯说, ,因为宝盈APP登录们被训练提供一系列圣经, effective and 可访问的 counseling services to individuals, 夫妻 以及新奥尔良社区的家庭."
